Hi there, I'm Natalie!

Are you searching for a way to heal Type 1 Diabetes?  Do you believe it is possible to heal naturally?  Join me to find the answers that medicine isn’t yet looking for!


Healing from Type 1 Diabetes is within our reach.  The scientific research is starting to beckon us towards this truth.  It is our role to step into the healing that is waiting for us.  Let us begin.


Read about my latest forages into the woods of healing – my successes, my learning and my steps forward…


Nutrition is at the root of health and healing.  Carrying on eating what you’ve always eaten will give you the body you’ve always had (or worse!).  Let’s explore some alternatives…


The mind is as important as the body when seeking holistic healing.  Peace and happiness generates health in the human body.

My name is Natalie.  I have lived with Type 1 Diabetes for over 40 years.  I have been told repeatedly that my diabetes is incurable. I don’t believe it…  Call it my rebel nature!

This site is your exclusive destination for insights on healing Type 1 Diabetes.  Here, you can find my personal journey towards that goal.  Explore topics from the fight-or-flight response to eating fish, from hugging to creativity, from dairy intolerances to Hippocrates’ wisdom.

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