Articles on Removal of Toxins

healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Gluten Sensitivity

The next step on my healing journey has become about food again. Having identified my problem with dairy two years ago, I have now discovered that gluten is also a problem for me. Gluten is a protein (a long-

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Dry Skin Brushing

I have been fascinated by skin for a long time. My skin has been the main battleground for my Type 1 Diabetes, receiving probably in excess of 50,000 injections over the years. It has carried the bruises, it has always

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally


Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise. It is performed by jumping up and down, either on the floor or preferably on a trampoline. Most people choose to use a mini-trampoline. Rebounding has been found to have a

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension Enters Stage Left… God has thrown me a curve ball. A big one. I strolled into my diabetologist’s office for my latest check-up, only to be told that I have hypertension!! Say, what?! I was a little shocked to say

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