Articles on Diet

Nutrition Update

A lot has happened in terms of my nutrition over the last couple of years. I thought I would take some time to go through what has happened and where I am now with food. Back in 2021, I was struggling with mood issues. I had bouts of

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Gluten Sensitivity

The next step on my healing journey has become about food again. Having identified my problem with dairy two years ago, I have now discovered that gluten is also a problem for me. Gluten is a protein (a long-

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Food, Food Everywhere… Part III

In the first two blog posts in this series, I discussed my thoughts on food, particularly why I stepped away from ketogenic diets and the books that have helped me step towards what feels like good

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Food, Food Everywhere… Part II

In the first post of this series, I discussed my thoughts around food and its role in healing, as well as my thoughts on why I feel that a ketogenic diet is not right for me (at least, at the present time).

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Food, Food Everywhere… Part I

A few months ago, one of my readers posted a comment, asking me what kind of diet I ate as part of my healing. At the time, I avoided answering the question because I felt it was a difficult topic to

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