Articles on Fight-or-Flight Response

healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally


Stuckness! Is that a word?? I’m guessing it isn’t but it certainly feels like the right word for me right now. I suspect that this is partly an ADHD thing (task overwhelm, difficulty prioritising and so on) but there’s something else to it

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally


Self-compassion. Urgh. A topic like this is one that I steered away from for many years. I had the attitude that self-compassion was the route to self-destruction because, after all, if I’m being kind to myself, I’ll

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

The Beauty of Rest

I’m calling myself out! You see, when I wrote my post on ‘High Blood Pressure’, I said that I was going to start resting properly. I promise I did start doing that. I was doing my good solid 30 minutes of re-lax-ation. But I then found out

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally


When I pictured healing from Type 1 Diabetes, I saw this wonderful image of me gorgeously improving in all areas of my life and flowing towards this wholeness that was natural and at peace. I thought the steps I took would make

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Dry Skin Brushing

I have been fascinated by skin for a long time. My skin has been the main battleground for my Type 1 Diabetes, receiving probably in excess of 50,000 injections over the years. It has carried the bruises, it has always

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