Articles on Fight-or-Flight Response
Dry Skin Brushing
I have been fascinated by skin for a long time. My skin has been the main battleground for my Type 1 Diabetes, receiving probably in excess of 50,000 injections over the years. It has carried the bruises, it has always
Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise. It is performed by jumping up and down, either on the floor or preferably on a trampoline. Most people choose to use a mini-trampoline. Rebounding has been found to have a
Notes from the Workshop: 22nd December 2021
I have an update on my blood pressure. I wrote here about how my diabetologist diagnosed me with hypertension. I went to my GP and had a more thorough
Osteopathy Turns The Freeze Response To Flight!
I discussed in my blog post here about my first osteopathy appointment, where my osteopath found that my body was in a freeze response. Now, I have returned for a
Walking It Out
I spoke in my post here about my hypertension diagnosis. My doctor then advised me to walk every day. This has now become a part of my daily life. Dr Andrew Weil , author of many books – including ‘Spontaneous Healing’
It’s The Freeze Response!!
I had my very first osteopathy appointment this week. And the information I gained about my body was INCREDIBLE!!! What Is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a complementary
Cortisol: The ‘Stress’ Hormone
Since writing my post on the fight-or-flight response, I have come across an article that has further developed my understanding and thoughts around this…! It all started when I was
Fight-or-Flight Response
What is the Fight-or-Flight Response? The fight-or-flight response is a name given to a multifaceted automatic physiological response to real or perceived threat. This stressful, alarming or