Articles on Increasing Positive Emotions

June’s Book Club: ‘The Wisdom of Your Body’ by Hillary L. McBride PhD
Today, I want to share insights from the first book featured in HealingT1D’s book club:

Meditation for Healing Type 1 Diabetes
Meditation. Hmmmm. I have a love/hate relationship with this practice, which is kind of ironic! Isn’t meditation just supposed to be about inner peace, love

A Complaint-Free Life
As I was writing my last blog post on Self-Compassion and Kristin Neff’s book “Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind To Yourself”, I started mulling about what

Gluten Sensitivity
The next step on my healing journey has become about food again. Having identified my problem with dairy two years ago, I have now discovered that gluten is also a problem for me. Gluten is a protein (a

Self-compassion. Urgh. A topic like this is one that I steered away from for many years. I had the attitude that self-compassion was the route to self-destruction because, after all, if I’m being kind to myself, I’ll

Why Are We ‘Fighting’ Type 1 Diabetes?
I was raised in a family of linguists. Both of my parents studied languages at university, as did myself, my brother and my sister after them. We’ve always played with

Reflection and Gratitude
I’m taking a moment just now to be reflective, be still and at peace. I am pausing to take notice of where I am now. To notice just how far I’ve come. I think it becomes really easy on a healing

I have just come across an article in Science Daily that I wanted to talk about. It has finally been found that insulin not only plays a role in digestion but it also influences brain function. At last the wider