Articles on Spirituality

healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Reflection and Gratitude

I’m taking a moment just now to be reflective, be still and at peace. I am pausing to take notice of where I am now. To notice just how far I’ve come. I think it becomes really easy on a healing journey

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

The Beauty of Rest

I’m calling myself out! You see, when I wrote my post on ‘High Blood Pressure’, I said that I was going to start resting properly. I promise I did start doing that. I was doing my good solid 30 minutes of re-lax-ation. But I then found out

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

My Playful Soul

Just popping in to say hi and share a couple of new bits I’ve been working on. My creativity is still growing and changing. I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes!

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Art Is Calling My Name!

At the moment, I am really called to being creative. Art, more specifically creating art, is calling my name. I see this as a good sign. As Rachel Remen highlights, there is a deep connection between

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Hippocrates’ Wisdom

Hippocrates was a Greek physician who lived in Ancient Greece (c. 460 – c. 370 BC). He is thought of as the founding father of modern medicine, having established it as a distinct practice from the more spiritual practices of the

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Morning Routine

Now that I’ve chatted through my new bedtime routine, I guess I need to talk about what happens at the other end of the day… My morning routine! I’ve actually been getting up for a morning routine at 5.30am (or thereabouts!)

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Bedtime Routine

I don’t know why I have resisted this concept for such a long, long time. It could be that it’s because I’m a night owl. I love those deeply quiet and restful hours of the early morning when the world is asleep and peaceful. Or

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