Articles on Taking Control Of My Health

Chiropractic Care

My fascination with chiropractic began when I delved into the writings of Hippocrates and his profound insights into the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Whilst writing my blog post on Hippocrates, I came across

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Conqueror Virtual Challenges

In my ongoing journey towards healing, I’ve stumbled upon a resource that has added a new dimension to my exercise routine. In a previous blog post, I highlighted the importance of walking for

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

The Glucose Never Lies

Hey there, fellow diabetes champions! Today, I want to share an absolutely fantastic website I discovered in my diabetes journey – a website called ‘The Glucose Never Lies’, crafted by the amazing

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Gluten Sensitivity

The next step on my healing journey has become about food again. Having identified my problem with dairy two years ago, I have now discovered that gluten is also a problem for me. Gluten is a protein (a long-

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally

Reflection and Gratitude

I’m taking a moment just now to be reflective, be still and at peace. I am pausing to take notice of where I am now. To notice just how far I’ve come. I think it becomes really easy on a healing journey

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healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally


I have just come across an article in Science Daily that I wanted to talk about. It has finally been found that insulin not only plays a role in digestion but it also influences brain function. At last the wider scientific community are

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