Review of Whole30 with Type 1 Diabetes

I’ve done it!  Here’s My Experience Of The Latter Half Of The Experience…

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

This article discusses the author’s experience of the second half of the Whole30 experience.  Blood sugar profiles and insulin dosages are discussed, along with the complete absence of tiger blood!

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I have done it!  I have finished Whole30!!

I am really proud of myself for having achieved it and I’m also pretty surprised at how (relatively) easy I found it.

I’ve got a few highlights from my days to give an idea of what it was like for me…

Day 8

I really enjoyed my food today!  Breakfast was an egg, bacon and mushroom stack.  Lunch was a hot salad of minute steak with courgette, red pepper and onion.  Dinner was some cooked chicken with bubble and squeak (vegetables roughly chopped together and fried in a pan with no oil for just 5 minutes).  I felt satiated and had good energy.  My blood sugars were also incredibly stable…  

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Day 8

All-in-all, this day was a big WIN for me!

Day 9

My motivation for the programme dipped as the day went on until, by the evening, I seriously contemplated stopping.  Let’s just say, I had to dig deep!

Insulin-wise, I’m now taking 1-2 units of Novorapid for each meal and 6 units of Lantus at bedtime.  With such a low night-time dose, I am not getting 24-hour coverage from the Lantus anymore, so from now on I plan to split the dose into 6 units of Lantus at bedtime plus 4 units of Lantus in the morning.  I’ll see how that goes.

Day 11

I have no cravings and haven’t had any for several days.  I’m feeling pretty good and my blood sugars are better today.  My motivation for the Whole30 programme is still lacking but I’m hanging in there!

Days 13 and 14

These days have been tough.  I am pretty tired and irritable.  I’m very thirsty so have been drinking more.  I also have no hunger at all and therefore only ate two meals a day.  I’m wondering if I might have gone into nutritional ketosis so I don’t actually feel hungry and needs more water to drink.  I’m going to push through and increase my meals back up to three per day to hopefully give me more energy in the forthcoming days.  My blood sugars, however, have been great…

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Day 14
healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally
Day 14

Day 15

I am still not hungry!  And I am still tired and irritable.  I’m also feeling anxious today for the first time in a long time.  I’m going to keep an eye on this and see if it passes in a few days.  It might be because I have stopped taking my vitamins and supplements.

I’m going to push myself to eat three meals today to see if that gives me more energy.  I am definitely looking forward to the infamous tiger blood arriving tomorrow!!

Day 16

Hmmm, no tiger blood.  Today, instead of feeling fantastic and energised, I feel… Normal.  There isn’t any great rush of tiger blood for me today!  I’m starting to feel a bit better, I guess.  A bit more energised.  I’m definitely not so tired as I was earlier in the week. 

Melissa and Dallas Hartwig, the designers of the Whole30 programme, say that it can take longer for people with autoimmune diseases to experience the benefits of Whole30…  So I guess I’m going to have to patiently wait this one out! 

My insulin levels are now at: 6 units  of Lantus first thing in the morning (which seems to be effective until about 10pm) and 5 units of Lantus at bedtime (which takes me through the night with stable blood sugars).  My meal times injections are now 1.5 units for breakfast, 2.0 units for lunch and 2.5 units for dinner.  My blood sugars are beautifully stable:
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24th Jan - Day 19

Day 21

I’m still not feeling any proper tiger blood.  In fact, I’m still having periods of lacking in energy.

I’m still not feeling any proper tiger blood.  In fact, I’m still having periods of lacking in energy.

However, 5 units of Lantus was too much overnight…  I was 3.9 mmol/l this morning.  So now instead I’m going to try 3 units of Lantus at night and 3 in the morning.

Day 22

I still have no cravings!  My blood sugars have not been quite so fun, though… They have been jumping around a bit today.  I gave 4 units of Lantus overnight and they were stable through the night.  I still have no tiger blood and  I still feel tired.  But I feel fully committed to the programme and don’t feel stressed about being on it for another week.

My total insulin doses are now: 0.5 units for breakfast, 1.5 units for lunch, 2 units for dinner.  4 units of Lantus in the morning and 4 units of Lantus in the evening.  Total 10 units.

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Day 22/Day 23 (first part of the night)
healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally
Day 22/Day 23 (second part of the night)

Days 29 and 30

I feel I’ve got into a routine now.  I am not craving or missing any particular foods.  I feel satisfied by my meals and better in myself (which I think is due to much more stable blood sugars!).  However, there’s still no tiger blood.  As I’m now coming to the end of Whole30, I have decided that I will continue on the Whole30 for a bit longer, to see if the elusive tiger blood feeling arises!

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Day 29
healing curing type 1 diabetes naturally
Day 29


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Picture of Natalie Leader
Natalie Leader

Natalie is a blogger with Type 1 Diabetes. Natalie's special gifts are questioning the status quo and being a rebel. She is using these gifts to question medical 'knowledge' and find a true cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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