Chiropractic Care

Health From The Spine Onwards

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

Fascinated by Hippocrates’ and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s insights into mind-body connections, I turned to chiropractic after conventional treatments for a shoulder injury fell short. Chiropractic, focusing on spine and musculoskeletal health, offers a holistic approach often praised for patient satisfaction, despite ongoing medical debates. Personal experience and a holistic philosophy drive my journey.

My fascination with chiropractic began when I delved into the writings of Hippocrates and his profound insights into the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Whilst writing my blog post on Hippocrates, I came across two particular quotes among his teachings that have still stayed with me: “When in sickness, look to the spine first,” and “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.”

This gentle prodding to keep the spine in mind was awoken again as I explored the pioneering work of Dr. Joe Dispenza in the field of mind-body healing. His research has contributed significantly to understanding the power of the mind in influencing physical health outcomes and he, himself, is a trained chiropractor.
When I developed a shoulder injury last year and conventional osteopathic treatments offered only limited relief, I sensed it was time to explore chiropractic care as an alternative avenue.
What Is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a hands-on healthcare discipline focused on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine. Chiropractors employ manual techniques, adjustments, and manipulations to restore proper alignment of the spine and optimise the function of the nervous system. Beyond spinal adjustments, chiropractors also address issues in joints, muscles, and soft tissues to improve mobility and overall well-being.  Some chiropractors also venture into the nervous system.

To become a chiropractor, individuals undergo extensive education and training, typically completing a 4-5 year doctoral program culminating in the title of ‘Doctor of Chiropractic’. This rigorous training equips chiropractors with the knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive care and address a wide range of health concerns.

While chiropractic care is considered an alternative approach outside of the conventional Western medical model, it boasts high patient satisfaction rates. According to a study cited in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 83% of patients report satisfaction or high satisfaction with their chiropractic treatments.

Navigating Controversies

Despite its popularity and positive patient outcomes, chiropractic care is not without controversy. Some critics question its effectiveness and safety, particularly in the context of certain spinal manipulations. A study published in the Journal of Pain Research highlights ongoing debates within the medical community regarding the evidence base and risks associated with chiropractic interventions.

However, my recent exploration of ‘You Are The Placebo’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza has shifted my perspective. Rather than solely relying on meta-analyses and scientific studies to validate its efficacy, I’m increasingly drawn to the notion that my belief in the treatment—what Dr. Dispenza refers to as “being the placebo”—may play a pivotal role in its effectiveness. This aligns with my personal philosophy that healing often transcends conventional medical boundaries and necessitates a much more holistic or alternative approach.

Personal Reflections on Healing

From a personal standpoint, I’ve long held the belief that managing and potentially healing conditions like Type 1 Diabetes involves more than just pharmaceutical interventions. While I value and adhere to the treatments prescribed by my Western medicine doctor, I also recognize the limitations of conventional approaches in addressing the multifaceted aspects of chronic conditions.

If Western medicine were going to provide a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, wouldn’t it have been on the horizon by now?  Therefore, I feel compelled to find alternative routes that offer a much more holistic treatment plan.  My decision to explore chiropractic care is one element of that plan.
My Chiropractor: A Holistic Approach

My chiropractor brings a wealth of experience to his practice, spanning many years in the field. Beyond his chiropractic expertise, he has also pursued training in functional medicine, which emphasises a personalised, integrative approach to health care. This combination allows him to not only address immediate musculoskeletal issues through chiropractic adjustments but also to consider broader factors influencing my overall health and wellbeing.

I have been seeing him for approximately six months now.  I know that my shoulder is improving greatly and I feel optimistic that the healing I will gain from chiropractic will extend beyond my shoulder joint and into my overall wellbeing.

In this way, my journey into chiropractic care represents a personal exploration of holistic health practices and their potential to complement traditional medical treatments. It’s a journey guided by curiosity, personal experience, and a belief in the interconnectedness of mind and body—a journey that continues to shape my understanding of what it means to pursue optimal health and healing.
Picture of Natalie Leader
Natalie Leader

Natalie is a blogger with Type 1 Diabetes. Natalie's special gifts are questioning the status quo and being a rebel. She is using these gifts to question medical 'knowledge' and find a true cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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