The Glucose Never Lies

A Programme To Give Knowledge and Empowerment To Those With Type 1 Diabetes

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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Image by Jan from Pixabay

‘The Glucose Never Lies’ website, created by diabetes veteran John Pemberton for his children, offers valuable insights on managing blood sugars without strict low-carb diets. Structured for easy understanding, it covers foundational diabetes care and a dynamic glucose management model, benefiting continuous glucose monitoring users. Early adopters report positive outcomes, indicating its potential to revolutionise diabetes management.

Hey there!  Today, I want to share an absolutely fantastic website I discovered in my diabetes journey – a website called ‘The Glucose Never Lies‘, crafted by the amazing John Pemberton.

A Family Legacy: Why John Pemberton Created His Website

Imagine this: a seasoned Type 1 Diabetes veteran, a Diabetes Dietitian himself, creating a digital haven of knowledge for his own family.  John’s driving force?  His own children.  He wants to pass on his hard-won knowledge to his children, should they one day become diabetic themselves.  This is particularly important for John, given the higher inheritance rate from dads to their offspring.

Beyond Disclaimers: The Goldmine of Information

John explicitly and repeatedly wisely states that this website is not intended for anyone other than his children.  He emphasises how no medical relationship is formed and nothing he talks about should be construed as advice for third parties.  However, his website is a goldmine of information!  From tackling blood high  and blood sugars to handling exercise and dosing for meals and even a nerd corner for diabetes research – it’s a must-see.  I strongly recommend looking at what he has to offer and taking any bits that interest you (or even all of it!) to your medical practitioner to discuss if this might suit your particular diabetes situation.

Health Without Low-Carb Struggles

What I was particularly excited by is that this is the first resource I’ve found that shows a path to great diabetes health without enforcing a strict low-carb diet. As discussed here, I’ve danced with low-carb diets before, but they never stuck for me. The cravings were real, and “falling off the wagon” became a recurring theme. But now, this website offers a way to achieve more of those flat lines without swearing off carbs entirely – it’s nothing short of brilliant!

Foundations: Diabetes Care Basics

I have to say that I find his website fantastic.  It is designed for even the most unknowledgeable amongst us.  His programme for diabetes health basically consists of two stages.  The first, the foundations, covers the basics of diabetes care – such as bolus and basal insulin, dealing with hypoglycaemia, exercise and eating well for diabetes.  Even if you are an individual with a lot of diabetes experience behind you, I suspect that you can still gain a lot of useful information just from this part.  I am more than forty years into my diabetes journey and I still learnt some really great stuff here.  

Dynamic Glucose Management: GAME, SET and MATCH

Then comes what John calls ‘Dynamic Glucose Management’ – a three-part model: GAME (stop highs), SET (stay in target), MATCH (prevent lows).  Each part (GAME, SET and MATCH) is an acronym that helps you to remember each part of the model.  Together, these give you the overall map to diabetes health.  Nevertheless, John still goes beyond the foundations and the model to also offer  information on mealtime insulin and tailoring blood sugars for different kinds of exercise.
Whilst it sounds like a lot of information (it is, after all!), it is broken down into bitesize sections and the whole website can be digested at your own pace. But, please, if you are thinking about implementing anything that The Glucose Never Lies website contains, please first discuss it with your doctor and/or diabetes team.  Making changes like this, particularly if you are relatively new to diabetes, can be challenging without the right support in place.

Multifaceted Learning: Video And Written Wisdom

What I particularly like about The Glucose Never Lies website is that each section comes in both video and written format.  Perfect for those end-of-day hours when time is yours but energy is low!

Just a word of caution…  The Glucose Never Lies is built on the assumption that you are using continuous glucose monitoring.  The three systems that are included are the Freestyle Libre (which I use) plus Dexcom (which John uses) and Medtronic.  John does discuss in detail the use of these and their relative merits.  Therefore, if you don’t have access to CGMs, this approach is probably not going to be the one for you.  Whilst I think there would still be a lot of information to be gained from the website, your ability to implement it may be somewhat limited.

Early Gains: Implementing Wisdom In Real Life

I’m in the early stages of implementing John’s wisdom, and guess what? I’ve already shaved off 0.2% from my HbA1c. I’m seeing more flat lines on my Freestyle Libre 2, feeling more positive, and more in control of my blood sugars. Trust me, the time spent on this website is an investment in your health!

So, head over to The Glucose Never Lies, soak in the knowledge, and let’s conquer diabetes together!

Picture of Natalie Leader
Natalie Leader

Natalie is a blogger with Type 1 Diabetes. Natalie's special gifts are questioning the status quo and being a rebel. She is using these gifts to question medical 'knowledge' and find a true cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

The content of the HealingT1D website is for educational and information purposes only.  It does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult with your doctor, physician, or other qualified healthcare professional before making any adjustments to your routine or healthcare regime.  HealingT1D and all associated with it will not be held liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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